Molecool – Kosmos RNA at the Night of Research at the University of Bern
The NCCR RNA & Disease participated with the exhibition "Kosmos RNA - The Code of Life" to the Night of Research (Nacht der Forschung) at the University of Bern. At the exhibition, the visitors could explore various experiments and posters on RNA-related topics. One of the highlights was the molecular bar, where visitors could get a drink mixed according to the recipe they translated from the RNA code to the amino acid code. In addition, our messenger RNA & ribosome roamed the event giving away snacks and drawing attention to the exhibition. According to the University of Bern, the estimate is that 10'000 visitors attended the 2022 Night of Research.
The NCCR would like to thank the event organizers, all NCCR researchers and other persons that contributed to its exhibition, including Nikon for providing microscopes. Special thanks go to Nicole Kleinschmidt, the primary driving force of the Kosmos RNA exhibition, together with Noah Kleinschmidt, Marc Landolfo, Sofia Nasif and Karin Schranz.
Participating Groups:
- Sebastian Leidel – University of Bern
- Oliver Mühlemann – University of Bern
- Mariusz Nowacki – University of Bern
- Norbert Polacek – University of Bern
- André Schneider – University of Bern
- Volker Thiel – Institute of Immunology & Virology & University of Bern
Concept & Coordination:
- Nicole Kleinschmidt - University of Bern
Text: Dominik Theler Images: Adrian Moser