NCCR / SIB Summer School: Computational RNA Biology

From August 23 – 28, 2020, the Computational RNA Biology Summer School organized by the NCCR RNA & Disease and the Swiss Instiute of Bioinformatics was held on-site in Schwarzenberg, which is close to Lucerne. Over thirty participants, mostly from Switzerland, were taught by nine teachers from France, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland. The program consisted of lectures and hands-on group projects on the topics of long-read RNA sequencing, ribosome-profiling, single cell RNA analysis and CLIP-seq. Participants gave a very positive feedback on the summer school. We would like to thank the teachers and Grégoire Rossier, who took care of most of the organization of the summer school.


  • Sarah Djebali, INSERM, Toulouse, France
  • Melina Klostermann & Kathi Zarnack, BMLS, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Paulo Czarnewski & Erik Fasterius, NBIS, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Gert van Geest, Sebastian Leidel & Puneet Sharma, University of Bern, Switzerland
  • Giancarlo Russo, FGCZ, Zurich, Switzerland

Scientific Committee:

  • Rory Johnson, University of Bern, Switzerland
  • Ana Claudia Marques, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Mihaela Zavolan, University of Basel, Switzerland

Coordination & Organization:

  • Norbert Polacek, University of Bern, Switzerland
  • Grégoire Rossier, SIB, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Dominik Theler, ETH Zurich & University of Bern, Switzerland