Editorial Frédéric Allain - The Messenger No. 14
Dear colleagues, I really hope we can see light at the end of this long tunnel so that we can all meet again in person for our annual retreat and the summer school in August 2021. This is now almost a year that the world in struggling with this virus and we are all more tired than usual since we cannot even enjoy the perspective of a nice Christmas vacation and family reunion. But we still need to fight for a few more months since the perspective of the massive vaccination should allow us to come back somehow to a normal life. Hopefully, we will have learned something from this crisis. One that science is important and that understanding better RNA viruses is fundamental. Two that RNA vaccines may become the fastest way to eradicate the next viruses. Three that working together instead of against each other might be the best way to achieve results.
This newsletter of course focuses on SARS-CoV-2 with a wonderful interview with Prof. Volker Thiel and the great collaborative achievements of the NCCR to better understand the virus now and in the future. Please be patient for a few more months, stay healthy and I am sure that we will all be stronger this summer and in the years to come.
On this note, I wish you all a nice end of the year rest and a good start for 2021.
Frédéric Allain, Co-Director NCCR RNA & Disease