Scientifica – Zurich Science Days

how to cut DNA with CRISPR-Cas.
This year’s edition of the Scientifica – Zurich Science Days, featured the topic “Science Fiction – Science Facts” and attracted between 20’000 and 30’000 visitors. The NCCR RNA & Disease took part with a booth on CRISPR- Cas gene technology; what are facts, limitations, threats and fiction regarding the controversially discussed gene scissors? At our booth, visitors could cut DNA with CRISPR-Cas, play the CRISPR-Cas targeting puzzle, explore in 3D structures of CRIPSRCas complexes, and play the Phage Invaders Game of the Innovative Genomics Institute. The presenters discussed with the visitors the potential of CRISPR-Cas for the treatment of so far incurable diseases but also ethical aspects regarding designer babies.

We would like to thank very much the persons involved in the NCCR’s booth as well as the organizers and staff of the Scientifica!
Participating groups;
- Jacob Corn - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Martin Jinek - University of Zurich, Switzerland
- Rory Johnson - University of Bern, Switzerland
- Stefanie Jonas - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Dominik Theler - ETH Zurich & University of Bern, Switzerland