Bringing Together the Swiss RNA Research Community
On January 25, 2019, the 20th edition of the Swiss RNA Workshop took place at the University of Bern, which was attended by over two hundred participants.
The first edition of the workshop took place in 1995, organized by Angela Krämer and Daniel Schümperli. The workshop continues bringing together RNA researchers from Switzerland and neighboring countries for a one-day meeting.
This year's keynotes were delivered by Eric Miska (Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom) on "An ancient machinery drives piRNA transcription in C. elegans" and Alena Shkumatava (Curie Institute, Paris, France) on "Dissecting the in vivo functions and mechanisms of action of lncRNAs" . Fourteen short talks were presented that were selected from submitted abstracts and fifty-nine posters presented covering a wide range of RNA research topics.
For their financial support, we would like to thank the RNA Society and the company sponsors Axonlab, Fisher Scientific, Horizon, Macherey-Nagel, Merck, Microsynth, Qiagen and Takara.
The 21st edition of the Swiss RNA Workshop will take place on Friday, January 24, 2019, in Bern.