The next Swiss RNA Workshop is scheduled to take place on Friday, January 27, 2023 in Bern starting at 09:15. The workshop will be at the UniS building of the University of Bern, which is located in close proximity to the Bern train station.
The following two reseachers from abroad accepted the invitation to present keynotes at the 2023 workshop:
Marina Chekulaeva
Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin, Germany
Website Chekulaeva Lab
Eric Westhof
Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, CNRS, Strasbourg, France
Website Westhof Lab
Around 10 additional short talks will be selected by the organizers from submitted abstracts. Also, over lunch a poster session will take place which should offer ample time for discussions.
The Swiss RNA Workshop is financed by the NCCR RNA & Disease. Thanks to this support and additional sponsoring by Lexogen, Cytiva, Promega, Avantor, Qiagen, Takara, Microsynth, Huberlab and Merck participation in the Swiss RNA Workshop is free of charge including lunch and coffee breaks.
Registration and abstract submission:
Although we encourage group leaders to give young researchers a chance to present their results, group leaders are of course also welcome to submit abstracts for oral presentations, which they themselves would present.
The deadline for registration and abstract submission is December 9, 2022. For logistic reasons, registration is required for everybody (including PIs), even if you do not submit an abstract. For registration, please click on the respective link on the Swiss RNA Workshop Website.
Covid-19 Pandemic & Energy Supply Situation:
The event might be canceled or its format and attendance rules changed at any time depending on the circumstances.
Parents that would like to attend and participate in the conference activities have the opportunity to have their children (four months – seven years old) taken care of by the professional agency “Stiftung Kinderbetreuung im Hochschulraum Bern (KIHOB)”. Please consult the respective section of the workshop's website for more information.