Predoc Program RNA & Disease – Switzerland
The last call for Predoc applications took place in 2021, and no further calls are expected to be made during the third and last phase of the NCCR RNA & Disease.
The Predoc Program "RNA & Disease Switzerland" by the Swiss National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) of RNA & Disease offered the possibility to explore different research directions and environments to prospective PhD students: Selected predoc students could perform 3 rotations of 4 months each in labs of the NCCR networks.
Predoc participants broadened their theoretical and methodological knowledge in different research fields related to RNA and disease and had the opportunity to build a professional network at an early career stage. Predoc students received the salary of equivalent to a first-year life science PhD student in Switzerland.
Click here to download the web version of the Predoc Flyer 2021 (approx. 350 KB)