Austrian Swiss RNA Meeting
January 30 - February 03, 2019, Fuschlsee, Austria
The joint meeting of the NCCR RNA & Disease and the Vienna RNA Biology Network was held at Fuschlsee in Hof bei Salzburg, Austria, from January 30 – February 3, 2019. The meeting will took place at the Hotel Sheraton Fuschlsee-Salzburg, which is about 20km from Salzburg.
The joint meeting aimed at stimulating scientific exchange and promoting collaborations between established and junior scientists from the Vienna and Swiss RNA communities. The meeting covered a broad spectrum of topics related to RNA biology including RNA structure & folding, RNA Translation, Transcription, Bioinformatics, Regulatory RNAs, non-coding RNAs, RNA processing, RNA surveillance, RNA transport as well as Epigenetics & Gene expression. The format of the meeting provided young scientists the opportunity to present their research to an audience of peers and established principal investigators in their field. The meeting program, size, and location provided plenty of opportunities for networking and discussions.
For questions and certificates of participation please contact zahra.ayatollahi (Vienna RNA Network) or @univie.ac.atlarissa.grolimund (NCCR RNA & Disease). @dcb.unibe.ch